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Where is everybody???

Posted: 29 Jan 2020 22:20
by bsd4me
I love slackel.
However I rarely see people here.
Hopefully, it's because slackel runs so well.

I have to start packing in preparation for moving, so may not be very active for some time :( but will keep system updated.
Thanks djemos for a great distribution!

Re: Where is everybody???

Posted: 30 Jan 2020 20:17
by djemos
Thank you bsd4me for your good words.

Re: Where is everybody???

Posted: 27 Apr 2020 13:07
by linocaetani
Hi, in the last few months I have done a bit of distrohopping by trying some distros such as Devuan, Void, Slackware but failing in the BSD test due to its difficulty in installing via UEFI. I have to say that at the end of this tour in the world of Linux mainly in its no-systemD sector I wanted to return to Slackel because I think it is simply brilliant: the solidity of Slackware, the bonsai and minimalistic style of Salix, the possibility of having a rolling fairly solid with the latest programs in the most recent version (Liberoffice 6.4 currently), all very fast, light. The only difficulty I find every now and then is in the slowness of the sourceforge repository server (I think). For the rest I am really happy to use it and I am very grateful to Djemos, for me a true genius in the world of GNU / Linux. A greeting and I hope that the forum will be increasingly filled with interventions.

Re: Where is everybody???

Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:55
by djemos
Thank you linocaetani.
About sourceforge servers, you are right. This is a problem. In the previous decade slackel had its own repository server, paid by me. But i can not do it anymore. So it is really good that sourceforge servers are free (i am gratefull for this) so slackel can continues its road. I am also greatefull for the service, which is also free. I only pay for domain, per two years.
A really good alternative would be to have also other server which could rsync with sourceforge. But there isn't anyone for the moment.

Re: Where is everybody???

Posted: 28 Apr 2020 13:02
by linocaetani
Another thing (among many) that I forgot to praise with respect to the genius of this distro: the live installer is incredibly easy, fast, modular and really simple on the one hand and on the other made me understand with gparted how computer partitions worked. In fact, my laptop has a problem with the bios that no longer works, now I only have access to Efi to format, so thanks to the Slackel live now a few years ago I was able to first install Linux on my laptop again (all this while Debian did an installer for Efi only with Buster 10...) and then understand well how partitions work. I repeat, an incredible installer!

Re: Where is everybody???

Posted: 06 May 2020 10:09
by Papasot
Most people come here when they have a problem, but... Slackel just works. And even when there is a problem, it is usually solved in a matter of a few hours. This is the reason for the rather low forum activity; I don't think it has to do with Slackel popularity.
Slackel users are alive and kicking - myself included. It is an excellent rolling distribution, and I can't thank djemos enough for his work.