[Solved] Glibc 2.30 error

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[Solved] Glibc 2.30 error

Post by linocaetani »

Hi, I have installed 7.2 but after upgrading at the reboot the system was broken at the xorg-gdm step and show a message that Glibc 2.30 is not fixed or updated. Before to reboot however I have tried to i- glibc, glibczone efivar etc...so I don't know what to do now. Thank you in advance for replies and suggestion.
Last edited by linocaetani on 17 Dec 2019 17:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Glibc 2.30 error

Post by linocaetani »

I tried sudo slapt-get -i -d aaa_base glibc glibc-i18n glibc-zoneinfo but now I remember I don't have tried with sudo slapt-get -i openssl libunistring slapt-get curl libidn2 meson tcl tk python3 gpgme cyrus-sasl libassuan too...mumble mumble
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Re: Glibc 2.30 error

Post by djemos »

it seems you did not installed glibc or it is not installed correctly
sudo slapt-get -u
sudo slapt-get -i --reinstall aaa_base gdm glibc glibc-profile glibc-zoneinfo glibc-i18n oniguruma check lhasa isl mozjs60 fuse3 libpsl graphite2

these are new added packages oniguruma check lhasa isl mozjs60 fuse3 libpsl graphite2
then upgrade rest packages
sudo slapt-get --upgrade
sudo slapt-get -i gnome-themes-extra s-nail
remove mozjs52 gnome-themes-standard mailx js185 which has been removed from slackware current
sudo spkg -d mozjs52 gnome-themes-standard js185 mailx
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Joined: 15 Jan 2017 15:27

Re: Glibc 2.30 error

Post by linocaetani »

Ok now it works! Thank you very much djemos
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