JWM upgrade

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JWM upgrade

Post by macondo »

I don't know if this is a problem, or just me, messing up.

I have JWM 2.3.6 as my "go to" window manager.

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bobo[~]$ slapt-get --search jwm
jwm-2.2.0-i486-1dj [inst=no]: jwm (a lightweight Window Manager)
jwm-2.3.6-i586-1gv [inst=yes]: jwm (a lightweight Window Manager)
xdgmenumaker-1.4-noarch-1gv [inst=yes]: xdgmenumaker (generates xdg menus)
I do an update/upgrade every morning, being slackel based on slackware current, when I do, it wants to "upgrade"
JWM, back to version 2.2.

What am I doing wrong? Shouldn't the default JWM version be, 2.3.6 ?? Slackware current and all that...


P.S. IOW, it should install JWM 2.3.6 by default.

BTW, Kudos to you for Slackel, I am happy with it.
Dual Core - 8 GB RAM IceWM desktop
“Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.” ― Joseph Heller, Catch-22
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Re: JWM upgrade

Post by djemos »

No. Slackel packages have the highest priority over slackware or salix repositories packages. If a package exist in slackel repositories even if the version number is lower than the package in slackware current or salix repositories, it will not be upgraded. This is not bad because sometimes upgrading a package may break slackel stability. This package may depend in libraries which have not been upgraded yet in slackware current tree. What is important is stability than running the latest version of a package.
Otherwise the system may be unusable. And because slackel target is also the unexperienced users, they cannot fix their system. Do not forget that slackel is a "rolling" distro. And it has to be stable as well.

I upgraded the package.

Code: Select all

sudo slapt-get -u
sudo slapt-get -i jwm
Posts: 15
Joined: 26 Feb 2017 19:57

Re: JWM upgrade

Post by macondo »

Thank you, djemos
Dual Core - 8 GB RAM IceWM desktop
“Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.” ― Joseph Heller, Catch-22
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