Safe method to upgrade your system

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Safe method to upgrade your system

Post by djemos »

Switch to root user

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slapt-get -u

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slapt-get --upgrade --simulate
And check if glibc and/or other glibc-i18n etc packages were also upgraded in slackware current
If so
Download all updated packages without installing them to slapt-get's working directory; by default, this is /var/slapt-get

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slapt-get -i -d glibc glibc-i18n glibc-profile

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slapt-get -i -d --upgrade
First upgrade glibc and glibc- other related packages

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upgradepkg /var/slapt-get/slackware64/l/glibc-* 
Then upgrade the rest

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slapt-get --upgrade
Upgrading the kernel

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ls /var/log/packages/kernel*
to see which kernel packages you have installed and do a slapt-get -i <packagename> for each one of them. (Do not include the package version in <packagename>).
Run update grub otherwise system will be un-bootable.

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Then reboot

Now check the ... ngeLog.txt file to see if new packages has been added and which packages has been removed in slackware current. And install new added packages if you need them and also also remove the packages which has been removed from slackware current.
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