Update Kernel Slackel 64 live running from usb with persistent

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Update Kernel Slackel 64 live running from usb with persistent

Post by djemos »

You can upgrade the system using persistent but upgrading the kernel as well it will not work.
To upgrade the kernel additional work is needed.
While on live environment booting from usb with persistent.

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sudo slapt-get -u
Copy the code bellow and save it to a file named e.g. make_new_init+kernel_pack.txt File can be also downloaded from here

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sudo slapt-get -i --reinstall kernel-huge kernel-modules
sudo rm -rf /tmp/work
mkdir -p /tmp/work/new_kernel
cd /tmp/work
sudo spkg -i --root=/tmp/work/new_kernel /var/slapt-get/slackware64/a/kernel-huge-4.4.38-x86_64-1.txz
sudo spkg -i --root=/tmp/work/new_kernel /var/slapt-get/slackware64/a/kernel-modules-4.4.38-x86_64-1.txz
sudo mksquashfs new_kernel 05-kernel.slm -comp xz -b 1M

sudo mkinitrd -c -o /tmp/initrd.gz -s /tmp/initrd-tree -k 4.4.38 -m "squashfs:overlay:loop:xhci-pci:ohci-pci:ehci-pci:xhci-hcd:uhci-hcd:ehci-hcd:usb-storage:hid:usbhid:i2c-hid:hid-generic:hid-cherry:hid-logitech:hid-logitech-dj:hid-logitech-hidpp:hid-lenovo:hid-microsoft:hid_multitouch:ext3:ext4:isofs:nls_cp437:nls_iso8859-1"

sudo rm -f /tmp/initrd-tree/{initrd-name,keymap,luksdev,resumedev,rootfs,rootdev,wait-for-root}
sudo cp /usr/share/slackware-live/{init,keymaps} /tmp/initrd-tree/
sudo chmod +x /tmp/initrd-tree/init
sudo cp /usr/sbin/build-slackware-live.sh /tmp/initrd-tree/
cd /tmp/initrd-tree
sudo su
find . | cpio -o -H newc 2>/dev/null | gzip -9c > /tmp/work/initrd.gz
cd /tmp/work
Run the script

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sh make_new_init+kernel_pack.txt
To return to user one type

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Now copy the following files somewhere on hard disk or in another usb. You will need them to copy to LIVE usb later.
Create a folder

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cd ~/
rm -rf ~/work_files
mkdir work_files
cp /tmp/work/initrd.gz work_files
cp /tmp/work/05-kernel.slm work_files
cp /tmp/work/new_kernel/boot/vmlinuz work_files
cp -R ~/work_files  somewhere-to-hard-disk
Reboot to your hard disk system
cd work_files
Copy initrd.gz to usb boot folder to replace the previous one
Copy vmlinuz to usb boot folder to replace the previous one
Copy 05-kernel.slm to usb boot/modules folder to replace the previous one

Copy initrd.gz to usb EFI/BOOT folder to replace the previous one
Copy vmlinuz to usb EFI/BOOT folder to replace the previous one

Reboot and boot with live USB
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