[Solved]segmentation fault during update of package list

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[Solved]segmentation fault during update of package list

Post by asqwerth »

This has been going on for about 10 days.

I run a:
sudo slapt-get -u

and get:

Code: Select all

sudo slapt-get -u
Retrieving package data [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/x86_64/slackware-current/]...Done
Retrieving patch list [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/x86_64/slackware-current/]... Done
Retrieving checksum list [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/x86_64/slackware-current/]...Done
Retrieving checksum signature [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/x86_64/slackware-current/]...Done
Verifying checksum signature [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/x86_64/slackware-current/]...Segmentation fault
I tried: sudo slapt-get --clean

and then:

Code: Select all

$ sudo slapt-get --add-keys
Retrieving GPG key [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/x86_64/slackware-current/]..Done%
GPG key could not be imported.
Retrieving GPG key [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/x86_64/slackware-current/extra/]...Cached
GPG key could not be imported.
Retrieving GPG key [http://download.salixos.org/x86_64/14.2/]...Cached
GPG key could not be imported.
Retrieving GPG key [http://sourceforge.net/projects/slackel/files/repo/x86_64/current/]...Cached
GPG key could not be imported.
Retrieving GPG key [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/x86_64/current/]...Done
GPG key could not be imported.
Is there a problem with the slackel slackware-current repo?
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Re: segmentation fault during update of package list

Post by djemos »

Slackel repos are on sourceforge.net which sometimes has problems or you were tried to download when an upload was happened.
There is no problem here.
So please try again.
Also what version of slapt-get do you have? slapt-get-0.10.2t-x86_64-8dj ? This is the latest.
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Re: segmentation fault during update of package list

Post by asqwerth »

djemos wrote:Slackel repos are on sourceforge.net which sometimes has problems or you were tried to download when an upload was happened.
There is no problem here.
So please try again.
Also what version of slapt-get do you have? slapt-get-0.10.2t-x86_64-8dj ? This is the latest.
Apologies for the long delay in replying.

That is the version of slapt-get I have, but it's still giving me segmentation fault.

I will try at a different time today.
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Re: segmentation fault during update of package list

Post by djemos »

These are the deps of slapt-get (aaa_elflibs|curl,aaa_elflibs|libidn2,aaa_elflibs|libssh2,aaa_elflibs|openldap-client,aaa_elflibs|zlib,cyrus-sasl,gpgme,libassuan,libgpg-error,libunistring,nghttp2,openssl-solibs|openssl,openssl10)
Look if some package is not installed. As openssl10, openssl, nghttp2.
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Re: segmentation fault during update of package list

Post by Papasot »

I have the same problem (Slackel Openbox 7.0, 32-bit), and so far I can't figure out what's going on. First I tried to add keys, which used to work in the past when a similar issue happened. This time though, it doesn't work:

Code: Select all

pap[~]$ sudo slapt-get --add-keys
Retrieving GPG key [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/i486/slackware-current/]...Cached
GPG key could not be imported.
Retrieving GPG key [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/i486/slackware-current/extra/]...Cached
GPG key could not be imported.
Retrieving GPG key [http://download.salixos.org/i486/14.2/]...Cached
GPG key could not be imported.
Retrieving GPG key [http://sourceforge.net/projects/slackel/files/repo/i486/current/]...Not Found
Retrieving GPG key [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/i486/current/]...Cached
GPG key could not be imported.
Updating is interrupted by a segmentation fault when slapt-get is trying to update the Slackel repos:

Code: Select all

pap[~]$ sudo slapt-get -u
Retrieving package data [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/i486/slackware-current/]...Cached
Retrieving patch list [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/i486/slackware-current/]...Cached
Retrieving checksum list [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/i486/slackware-current/]...Cached
Retrieving checksum signature [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/i486/slackware-current/]...Cached
Verifying checksum signature [http://www.slackel.gr/repo/i486/slackware-current/]...Segmentation fault
slapt-get version installed in my system is slapt-get-0.10.2t-i586-8dj, which is the latest, the same as in the special section of Slackel repos. So I tried to update the dependencies of slapt-get itself (as listed above by djemos) but slapt-get says they are all up-to-date:

Code: Select all

pap[~]$ sudo slapt-get -i -d aaa_elflibs curl libidn2 libssh2 openldap-client zlib cyrus-sasl gpgme libassuan libgpg-error libunistring nghttp2 openssl openssl10
Reading Package Lists...Done
aaa_elflibs is up to date.
curl is up to date.
libidn2 is up to date.
libssh2 is up to date.
openldap-client is up to date.
zlib is up to date.
cyrus-sasl is up to date.
gpgme is up to date.
libassuan is up to date.
libgpg-error is up to date.
libunistring is up to date.
nghttp2 is up to date.
openssl is up to date.
openssl10 is up to date.
0 upgraded, 0 reinstalled, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove, 0 not upgraded.
Note that I was able to manually download the latest Firefox from Slackel repos and install it manually with upgradepkg.
Any ideas on how to solve the problem are more than welcome.
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Re: segmentation fault during update of package list

Post by djemos »

The 32 bit slackel version has been left without support because of no time. Last days i found time and rebuild a lot of packages to be in sync with 64bit version of slackel. It is ok now.
So first i tried to update the 32 bit system and had the same problem. If i remember well, you have to download manually and install with spkg or upgradepkg the icu4c-63.1 from l group and also libassuan-2.5.2 from n group of packages from slackware-current repos.
I download and installed also gpgme libgpg-error libunistring nghttp2 openssl openssl10 from slackware-current but the problem was with icu4c-61 which existed in slackel repos.[Slackel repos have high priority over slackware repos] Because when icu4c upgraded in slackware-current break a lot of slackel (third party) programs which need too much work to recompile them. Look on changelog of slackel 32 bit repo to see. Now icu4c-63.1 updated in slackel repos ans also gpgme etc. Look on slackel/slackel_files subgroup on slackel repo.
Then run
sudo slapt-get --add-keys
sudo slapt-get -u
sudo slapt-get --upgrade
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Re: segmentation fault during update of package list

Post by Papasot »

Upgrading icu4c manually lets me proceed with system update, but there must be an issue with the package lxterminal. Specifically, Slackel's PACKAGES.TXT says lxterminal-0.3.1-i586-2dj is the latest version, but the corresponding Slackel repo has lxterminal-0.3.1-i586-1dj, so system upgrade stops there because it cannot find the package needed. I bypassed the problem by excluding lxterminal for now, but I thought it's best to report the problem.

Note: Upgrading gimp is still problematic, as already reported here. I had to exclude it as well, download it from Slackwere-current repos, and install it manually with upgradepkg. I am guessing this is a problem related to Slackware-current and not directly to Slackel.
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Re: segmentation fault during update of package list

Post by djemos »

Thanks Papasot. Local repo in my laptop had lxterminal-0.3.1-i586-2dj but somehow did not upload it in sourceforge repo with rsync.
It is corrected now.
About gimp. I had to do the same and in some other package. e.g. In the past for samba. It is not slackware's problem.
It is spkg problem which is used by slackel. As i said in the past i have to change slapt-get to not use spkg but upgradepkg, installpkg etc Then upgrades will not have any problem. The only problem would be the speed, especially when upgrade the source kernel package. Because upgradepkg first preinstall the package.
It is a decision to take and i am not sure. What is your opinion about this change.
Edit: I have rebuild slapt-get to use installpkg, upgreadepkg, removepkg and not spkg. I upload it on slackel repos. Lets see how its going in speed.
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Re: segmentation fault during update of package list

Post by Papasot »

djemos wrote:Thanks Papasot. Local repo in my laptop had lxterminal-0.3.1-i586-2dj but somehow did not upload it in sourceforge repo with rsync. It is corrected now.
Indeed, it is corrected now. My 32-bit Slackel system is fully updated. Thank you, Dimitris!
djemos wrote:About gimp. I had to do the same and in some other package. e.g. In the past for samba. It is not slackware's problem.
It is spkg problem which is used by slackel. As i said in the past i have to change slapt-get to not use spkg but upgradepkg, installpkg etc Then upgrades will not have any problem. The only problem would be the speed, especially when upgrade the source kernel package. Because upgradepkg first preinstall the package.
It is a decision to take and i am not sure. What is your opinion about this change.
Personally, I don't have any problem to manually upgrade a few packages (such as gimp) every now and then. For me, the important part is that I have a 10-years-old 32-bit Netbook here, running a fully up-to-date GNU/Linux - a thing fans of most other distributions (such as Crapbuntu) could only dream of. Thanks to Slackel, I use that Netbook when I am not at home, and it runs the latest version of gcc, Firefox, and many libraries I need - which is impressive for such an old computer. I also have a 64-bit Slackel system installed in a more recent computer (which I will upgrade to version 7.1 in the next days)..
Maintaining two Slackel installations is far from being a problem for me, because Slackel is way more stable than what one would expect from a rolling distribution. In the worst case, I have to post a question here, getting a solution from you in a matter of a few hours - plus I usually learn something I didn't know in the process.

As for my opinion concerning transition from spkg to installpkg, it all depends on what you, as the Slackel developer, want. If your target audience is people who don't mind some manual operations to maintain the system, then you don't have to switch from spkg to upgradepkg. However, as it is now, it won't attract more casual users. I am not talking about users who have zero knowledge on how to maintain a system - those would never be the audience of a rolling disrtibution. I am talking about people who don't have the time to deal with such "details" too often. Personally, I would switch to upgradepkg if I were the developer, sacrificing some speed (which would probably be noticeable only in special cases, such as the source kernel package you mentioned). I would do the transition to upgradepkg because Slackel is a great distribution and it deserves a larger users community. I have friends trapped using Crapbuntu, who got impressed seeing me running the latest version of software on a very old machine, but they won't dare to install Slackel just because I told them "you might need to manually upgrade some packages, but it's not a problem, really".
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Re: [Solved]segmentation fault during update of package list

Post by djemos »

Before upgrade your 64bit system to slackel 7.1. Upgrade first slapt-get so it will use upgradepkg and gimp upgrade without problem.

Code: Select all

sudo slapt-get -u
sudo slapt-get -i slapt-get
sudo slapt-get --upgrade
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